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Madonna & Child 2020

My fifth (maybe last?) Cryptopop #lockdown painting is this “Madonna & Child” for the #COVID19 Age. I’m really happy with the colors on this one, having finally learned how to blend blues and violets into my skin tones to paint more vibrant looking faces. Kinda made me want to revisit all of my paintings from the last year to give […]


It’s my 39th birthday today and this year it’s coincided with Easter Sunday, a pretty big holiday for Catholic populations like ours. This new cinemagraph is No. 4 in my #COVID19 series and is an homage to both a classic piece of art and a classic film, so plus points if you got both references. […]

The Window

The Window is the third cinemagraph in my COVID19 series. We’re now on our third week in lockdown as I write this, and I’m less and less optimistic that the quarantine period will be lifted on April 14th as originally planned. In some cities here in the Philippines, you need a permit to walk around […]

The Breather

The second cinemagraph in my COVID19 series. We’re finishing off our second week in lockdown as I write this, and I’ve kept busy with (1) indoor calisthenics, (2) Bitcoin trading, and (3) cryptoart. But damn I do miss being able to take a break and go outside without a mask on. This piece is part […]

The Lockdown

As the world hunkers down during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this piece — originally conceptualized to be a cinemagraph about Bitcoin security — took on a very different meaning. I’d been working on it for a few weeks when the Philippine government instituted a nationwide lockdown, freezing all businesses, transportation, and briefly, even financial establishments, […]

Dany Dreaming

I’ve been exploring a more painterly style recently using simulated oil and turpentine. I think the biggest challenge with working with these rougher brushes is deciding when enough detail is enough, and the illustrator in me is always tempted to paint in more detail whenever possible. That said I’m quite happy with the subdued, low-contrast […]


When I first saw Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke in the late 90s I remember being absolutely gobsmacked by the notion that such a mature film could exist in the realm of mainstream animation. This was still the era of family-friendly (“commercially viable”) Disney fare after all, and Studio Ghibli didn’t have quite the reputation that it […]


CoinMarketCap is arguably the most well-known brand in the entire crypto space. Whether you know anything about business, trading, or engineering, CMC is your first stop for seeing how well the industry is doing. I’m really proud to have created art and collaterals for their first ever conference in Singapore.


I’ve been thinking of doing a photorealistic portrait series of favorite female characters from my childhood, and this is the first official installment. The Little Mermaid was the first time I remember sitting in a cinema and wanting to hurry home so I could start copying the vibrant Disney style I saw onscreen. I think […]


Bitcoin lost nearly $1,000 in value over the past week after testing $5,000 for the first time ever on September 2. We’ve had some rumors of the People’s Bank of China potentially banning Bitcoin and shutting down the most prominent exchanges, and that has put some major dampers on any kind of price recovery in […] © 2024. All Rights Reserved