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Jamie Dimon: The Dinosaur

This cartoon was commissioned by Coindesk for their year-end Most Influential People in Crypto 2017 feature. Check out their writeup on Jamie Dimon here.

It’s hard not to make fun of Jamie Dimon when you’re in the Bitcoin community. In fact, there was a moment in mid-2017 where it was practically a requirement, and I’m kinda surprised that I hadn’t already come up with this cartoon idea previously. The original pitch I sent to Coindesk was substantially different from the published piece though:

Farmer Jamie and his favorite pig are contemplating life on the farm. He looks at us, with a wry smile. It’s a hard life, but it’s what he’s good at.

I had this awesome image in my head of Dimon as Farmer John from the movie Babe, but alas, it was not to be.

After some deliberation we eventually settled on using the Flintstones as the reference for this cartoon, and the rest of the image just fell into place on its own immediately after that. On hindsight, the caveman motif contrasts better with the rest of this series, and it’s especially memorable because Dimon is the only one who shares a frame with another character.

The sun setting in the background made for a fun little extra jab at a waning industry.

Grab the official shirt, hoodie, or print collecting all 10 portraits
over at Cryptopop’s Threadless store!

If you liked this or any of my other cartoons, a small tip would help me dedicate more time to this hobby.




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