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Joe Lubin: The Cowboy

This cartoon was commissioned by Coindesk for their year-end Most Influential People in Crypto 2017 feature. Check out their writeup on Joe Lubin here.

I’ve been watching a lot of Godless on Netflix recently, so this piece felt especially thematic. I’ve always enjoyed playing with light in my cartoons, so here I paid a lot of attention to the way the sunlight streaming in from outside the door outlined the subject and caused deep shadowing in the center of the figure.

It doesn’t always work, but when it does, even the simplest activites — walking into a saloon, for example — suddenly becomes truly epic.

Grab the official shirt, hoodie, or print collecting all 10 portraits
over at Cryptopop’s Threadless store!

If you liked this or any of my other cartoons, a small tip would help me dedicate more time to this hobby.




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